Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008
Woe to be Rich
This week we learn of Bernard Madoff who has now made lots of rich people very mad. Amazingly, he was able to garner over $50 billion of investments from a number of well heeled investors only to use it for big Ponzi scheme. Many of these investors now are on the hook to lose most if not all of their investment. Interestingly, Mr. Madoff is the ultimate charmer, getting all kinds of people to trust him enough to put millions of their dollars in his hands. You can read about Madoff's ruse here. Seems that many people get sucked into presitious opportunities and are shamed to investigate lest they come off as a mere miser. I think it is called snob appeal.
Perhaps, the investors in Madoff's scheme need their own government bailout . . . consider that many of the victims of the scheme are charities and foundations. Madoff built his reputation in part on linking with charities. Many are now the victim of "friendly fire."
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Ethics, Ethics . . .

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Coach Tocco

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Newspapers and Bias

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Flu Shots
But Americans seem to be non-partisan in their dislike of laws that mandate their individual choices, especially regarding their health. New Jersey passed a law--from the state's public health commission--mandating all pre-school children must get a flu shot to attend any of these schools. The response has been predictable. Reports the AP, "Opposition to the policy is vehement."
Said one of the organizers of the rally against the vaccine law, "This is not an anti-vaccine rally — it's a freedom of choice rally." Americans tend to value individual choice more than the more abstact public benefit . Efforts to take choice away from families on vaccines may be the real anti-Americanism.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Insanity of Markets
I have some ideas. The problem with markets is very simple: people are involved. Markets are by intent impersonal, set up to allow actors to pusue their own self-interest. People are smart and ingenious and will try to outsmart the market [way oversimplified here because the market is more than just . Amazingly, the market is quite resilient but sometimes gets too far out of whack. Those in charge of regulating these markets (people, again) try to get it out of whack. These regulators "acting for the people" are trying to balance competing goods. These goods are inevitably political and ideological.
Often these prescriptions are counterproductive to the market or the market is counter to them. For example, a strong belief in equity (sometimes called justice) leads to government action that mitigates inquitable market effects. An impersonal market will always be inequitable from the perspective of certain actors at certain times.
I suspect people are distrusting the market right now -- trillions of dollars of stock value have vaporized, much of it retirement money. The question is will we move towards more government control and intervention? Fortunately, I have a lot of colleagues here in the Helzberg School who can help me understand finacial system that is so out of whack (and affecting everything else) right now.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Golden Parachutes
First, is it unprecendented? Consider Andruw Jones, a baseball player signed by the Los Angeles Dodgers this year for $36 million (guaranteed). Here was an aging star on his downside who performed abysmally during the year. By any standard he did not earn his exhorbitant salary . . . didn't deserve to even play. So why did the Dodgers pay him $36 million? Because that is what it took to get him to come to work for them. This is a similar situation companies face hiring CEOs.
Second, whose fault is it? In the case of Jones, nobody asks the player to give up the money; they fault the boneheads who signed him. So the ones who are at fault for these companies are the boards who supposedly represent the shareholders. Those that are hiring the CEOs agree to these golden parachutes, in part, to get them to come to work. It is a market mechanism as the wage is not set necessarily on the value but on the supply and demand for the position sought.
One conclusion drawn by some (see this link to people now calling for a new New Deal) is that it is the fault of the market, because it is not impervious to things like greed and corruption. Others defend the market such as this from the Chicago Tribune. I think the bigger error is that these companies overvalue experience, overpaying for people based on what they have done in the past. Think about it: the Dodgers would have been much better off just taking a chance on a 23-year prospect, paying him well less than $1 million. Many of these companies would be better off looking at managers with less experience or slighter pedigrees. Probably, most of them reside within the company if they just develop them and give them a chance.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Power of Teams

First, this weekend, the U.S. in somewhat of an upset recaptured the Ryder Cup (golf's American-European biannual team competition). They did this after losing the last 3 competitions -- the last two by lopsided scores. They did it without the best player on the planet, Tiger Woods. And they did it with 6 rookies on the team. So how did they do it?
Golf is an individual sport, but the Ryder Cup is the closest thing professionals get to a team golfing event. But it would still seem that even in this event you are only as good as the talent on the team. But actually, teams can generate synergy that makes them greater than the sum of their parts. Sometimes this synergy (or team dynamics) is spontaneous or just happens. Usually, however, it happens because of a leader with a plan.
The U.S. team's leader, Captain Paul Azinger, did some things like a) set up 4-man sub-teams that played together to prepare for the team events; b) picked players based on toughness and youth rather than "over-rated" experience; c) and focused his team (many of them millionaires) on performance rather than getting along with each other (he did away with some of the common cushy perks that were prevalent for previous Cup squads). Most importantly, Azinger had a plan and implemented it. Sometimes luck is the result of hard work and a well thought out plan.
Second, and much more offbeat . . . last week I had the opportunity to work with about a dozen managers in different fields. One of these managers is also a fan of the Cleveland Indians, but his lifelong fandom has ended temporarily -- thanks to the wonderful world of capitalism. At mid-year, Cleveland threw in the towel for the season trading their best player. This fan decided to be a mercenary and sell his fandom on eBay!
And he found a buyer who paid $300 so that this disaffected Indian fan would now become a Chicago Cub fan for the rest of the year. Terms of sale: must watch at least one Cub game a week and send two emails about the Cubs a week -- as long as the Cubs are still playing this season. Entrepreneurism alive and well! Now why didn't Royals fans think of this.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Busy week at the Fed

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Experience, Part II
Go to the book store and you will find any number of books on how to get to the best colleges. Families now invest in couselors to help them get their teenage children eligible for Yale, Brown, or Cornell. The purpose is to grease the way to the elite experiences that lead to the best opportunities. Nothing wrong with this, but how many times do we see people who underperform their resume? I was talking to a faculty colleague and he noted the number of experienced executives -- many of them with exquisite predigrees -- who are recycled into new jobs to continue to underperform their "so-called" credentials.
Politics aside, Sarah Palin has outperformed her resume (graduated from an shool in Idaho and started in the PTA) and not just based on the speech (read here on what she has accomplished as governor). My guess is there are scores of other people in other fields with equally inauspicious credentials who perform at very high levels. I would much prefer to be under-credentialed and over performing. There are many, many of these overachievers anonymously getting things done in all walks of life.
I don't need to teach at the Ivy league to work with smart, high performing colleagues. Most importantly, I look for some more of these raw talents to emerge to have . . . Rockhurst degrees, of course!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

In some cases, experience is actually a negative. The population of world class gymnasts is typically made up of teenagers – often very young ones. The two best two female gymnasts in the just completed Olympic Games were 16 and 18. Once the skills are learned, experience can be a negative because what you learn from experience is how easy it is to make mistakes (not to mention the body is less nimble).
In some cases, experience can predispose people to be blind to new ways of thinking about things. Entrepreneurs are good at thinking outside the box—where current knowledge is of little use. Some entrepreneurs are very good at doing this over and over. I suppose their experience is helpful, but there have been many successful entrepreneurs who were inexperienced (e.g., Michael Dell).
In some cases, the advantage of experience is short-lived. Consider three restaurant servers: one with six days experience, one with 6 months, and one with 6 years. Certainly, the one with 6 days is going to be at a disadvantage, but is the one with 6 years necessarily that much better than the one with 6 months (all other things being equal)? Sharp people can easily pick up the skills needed to be a good server – though some maturation and life experience will certainly give someone better tools to take on unusual situations.
How about CEOs? Well, it would seem that experience is crucial as many of them are recycled into new jobs as struggling companies attempt turnarounds. But it is undetermined how well these experienced executives have fared – often they seem to steer the ship right over the edge based on the scores of bonehead moves made by these experienced leaders.
Presidents are equally hard to figure. Are Barack Obama and now Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States? It seems that there are a number of things that might be considered appropriate qualifications.

First, knowledge. Many people want their president to be intelligent and have broad knowledge. Ronald Reagan, arguably one of the better presidents, was dubbed an “amiable dunce.” As this article in 2004 notes, there have been plenty of supposedly brilliant presidents (Hoover, Carter, Wilson) who have been failures as presidents and “dumb” ones (Reagan and Truman) who were not.
Second, accomplishments. Often people are promoted based on their accomplishments in any number of specialist fields (a great salesperson or a legislator) but this does not easily translate to executive work. Perhaps the biggest accomplishments of the Presidential and V.P. candidates are that they have gotten themselves elected; getting nominated as Obama and McCain have done is an even bigger accomplishment.
Finally, experience. An objective expert on presidents, Richard Reeves, recently noted that there is no way to prepare to be president because the issues that they will face are mostly unknowable or at least uncertain. Although some decisions are strategic, others are reactive. I suspect that while experience is not unimportant it is also overrated (as William Kristol from the NY Times asserts). Says Clive Crook for Financial Times, "No training or experience can prepare you for the presidency. On any given issue, the president is surrounded by specialists who know infinitely more about the subject than he [or she] does. The ability to weigh the quality of that advice, and then act on it, is what matters." In other words, experience can easily be trumped by effort and talent.
So freshmen: don’t bewail your lack of experience as it offers you some advantages . . . but don’t substitute it for hubris, which your professors can detect easily.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Job Search
I can only imagine how those many people in the Great Depression felt when jobs were hard to come by, or any number of eras and regions where jobs were neither plentiful nor chosen. Yet, with so many Americans able to get college degrees we do have the great privilege to have at least some choices in our careers and jobs.
When I graduated in 1980 with a degree in Accounting I did not think that much about my career -- I just thought I would get a job, which I did. Since then I have changed careers (not jobs) twice. Lucky for me I was able to do this (at some financial sacrifice). My father, on the other hand, stayed in the same job for 45 years -- he grew up in the depression and jobs were a thing to be cherished.
Anyway, there are probably two points in this ramble: 1) students should be thoughtful about their careers and college is a good place to do that and 2) although there is some whining about the ups and downs of the economy, be thankful for the abundant opportunities even in a "down" economy . . . college students like I once did can easily take this opportunity for granted.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Getting that Feeling

Monday, July 28, 2008
The Good, the Bad, and the . . .
Sunday was also okay, but nonetheless different as my oldest daughter and I attended a reception for new Freshman here at Rockhurst. Yes, my oldest is now off to college, a rite of passage I guess. Being a college professor I should be rejoicing in such rite and I am. Still, life will be different as she shifts more time to things outside of our home. Perhaps, I am just being selfish -- she will have less time to assist me in things like shopping at the grocery store and mowing the lawn for me. Fortunately, however, I will know where to find her!
Tonight, well it was the . . . eerie. My wife and I attended a get aquainted session for parents of new students to the private school my youngest daughter will be attending. Nearly 20 years of marriage and 4 kids, I have managed to avoid all such things as parent-teacher meetings, school get to know your child sessions, etc. (more on why I have avoided them later). That is, except when I was teaching sixth grade in the early 1990s. The people at the school were very nice and we are "cautiously optimistic" that this will work well for our daughter. Still, this is a new era for our family, not quite an empty nest, but different just same.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The public good
The Rooney family is looking to sell because of the looming whammy of the estate tax. With the value of their franchise now nearly 3/4 a billion dollars, the elderly family members who own most of the franchise could be hit with a large tax bill. Even though they own a valuable asset, it doesn't mean they have liquid assets to cover a big bill. As the article notes, the coming election may influence the impact of the tax on the current ownership--whether Congress decides to increase the estate tax or not.
I don't know much about Mr. Pickens except that he has a LOT of money from oil and has given a lot back to things like his alma mater, Oklahoma State. In this current gambit he makes an appeal to wind and solar energy, touting its cleanness along with the economic imperative that we come out of the clutches of foreign oil. Here is the thing--a major plank of his plan is to get Congress to act: "On January 20, 2009, a new President gets sworn in. If we're organized, we can convince Congress to make major changes towards cleaner, cheaper and domestic energy resources." Certainly looking for favorable conditions is the right of any company--including getting favorable laws and subsidies.
The question is whether Congress will make things better. While income redistrution is a popular tactic, it also has unintended consequences. The Steelers are being pursued by a hedge fund, private equity concern, making a family built business vulnerable. In the case of T Boone, he is coming off as a conscientious public citizen looking for help from Congress. The question is should Congress let the market work to determine the viability of wind and solar (in other words, Pickens should convince consumers more than Congress) or does it assist businessmen like Pickens who have now staked themselves to this strategy? While an unfettered market is problematic, I also doubt Congressional wisdom to determine ultimate public goods.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
$400 Million

Like many of these celebrities, Limbaugh is a businessperson. Unlike many of them, he created a new market, so he is in some ways a entrepreneur who hit it big. In the mid-1980's am radio was a dying medium. The radio played mostly to local audiences. In 1988, Limbaugh took the chance of taking his show national--identifying a market need for a point of view (and style) not found in other media venues. So he is much like the many entrepreneurs who identified a new market and were able to exploit it. This NY Times Magazine article, which also came out today, tells part of the story.
Not only did he create a new market, he built a strong buisness model. He saw his customers as not only his listeners but the advertisers promoting their products on his show. He built a loyal audience (customer loyalty is what every product or company seeks) that not only listened--creating the largest radio audience--but bought the products of the companies sponsoring his show.
And he has made this work for 20 years; a proven talent and formula convinced Clear Channel to pony up for $400 million for 8 more years. It was a business deal based on market results . . .
Monday, June 30, 2008
Well it turns out that the dire reports of corn shortages may have been vastly overstated. Today's Wall Street Journal reports that while there has been signficant crop damage, estimates did not account for increased planting this year from last. An innocent mistake. Yet, that misinformation caused the price of corn to skyrocket (and plummet again based on this news).
No doubt in the market there will be winners and losers because of this -- I sure would like to have sold corn short! Still, this kind of news has business people pulling their hair, especially if they insist they can make data certain decisions.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Commodity Prices

Today's Wall Street Journal reports that soaring transportation costs (along with other factors) is starting to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. If soaring fuel costs have this kind of impact (see chart), other chain reaction impacts will occur that will be upsetting to consumers and a number of industries. Commodity prices are causing havoc.
But are they? Commodities tend to be driven by supply and demand. These commodities that are going up are feeling supply and demand pressures (either increased demand, sagging supply, or both). When there is demand pressure, prices naturally go up, which incents companies to increase supply. So these price increases are actually a beneficial effect of supply and demand. In an environment where business is allowed to operate freely (relatively speaking) forces will soon emerge that increase supply or find less expensive substitutes. Also, consumers will change their habits to decrease demand as they have more trouble paying the high price.
And it does hurt a lot of companies operating in businesses using the commodities. But it also opens opportunities for businesses who identify market needs and find ways to exploit them. Of course, politicians will get involved and rarely do they make things better in the long run. So watch in this next cycle of the elections for politicians to pander on the rising commodity prices, promising to fix the short-term pain that is part of business. But don't bet any of their solutions will be effective . . . just hope they do little harm.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Gino Fever

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This past week Scott McClellan's new tell all book of the Bush Presidency has created some buzz. I haven't read the book, but the story is that McClellan has turned on his old boss by saying, for example, Bush mislead on the run up the war, for example. The most interesting assessment of McClellan and the book comes from Byron York. Here is one excerpt:
He [McClellan] was there because he was extremely loyal to George W. Bush, and there was a group of people who came with Bush from Texas -- Harriet Miers, Alberto Gonzales. Perhaps Matthew Dowd was in this group. These were people who were not particularly conservative. In some cases, they weren't even Republicans. So they come here, and their only thing is their big loyalty to Bush.
I think this analysis is about right. Although loyalty is a great thing in a family, including a dog, loyalty is overrated by many managers. Ironically, Bush came to the White House as one of the few, if only, MBA’s. Unfortunately, he has consistently overvalued loyalty in his selection of some top lieutenants. Also ironic in this case is that loyalty does not guarantee someone won’t go off the reservation. As York notes later, people like McClellan (especially ones put in a job they are unfit for) are likely to become disillusioned and turn on the very person they admire. Managers of all ilk should read this as a cautionary tale.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Summer Phase
Friday, May 16, 2008
Youth Sports

In the news is the claim that youth sports has a tremendous positive impact on those that participate. Interesting stuff considering all the negative influences that lurk for young people today. Yet, my initial reaction was that the conclusions drawn by these authors is a bit too far reaching in its praise.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Morale and CEO Pay
Monday, April 28, 2008
CEO Pay run Amok
She reports the gap has roughly doubled since 1994 to 180 times – the multiplier for the difference between the CEO and an average worker wage. With the average CEO salary about $8.8 million, the average worker wage is just short of $50,000.
It is hard to argue that such a disparity might be dispiriting to workers. Further the incredible golden parachutes awarded to deposed CEO’s [that is, ones who have been chief of a losing company] is disconcerting if not sickening. The unfairness of a failing company rewarding its departing CEO with such largesse (millions of dollars in some cases) while laying off workers living from pay check to pay check is obvious.
But is morale really a function of the CEO pay? I did a quick check of some NBA salaries to see what kind of disparity they work under. Take the Boston Celtics who had the best record in the NBA this year and are favorites to win the title. The highest paid player on the team is Kevin Garnett who makes $23,750,000 this season. I compared him to the lowest paid contributing member to this excellent team—Glen Davis who made $427K as a rookie this year. This is a differential of 55 times between peers who must work together as a team!
This kind of pay gap is not unusual; the Denver Nuggets highest paid player make just over $20 million and a frequent starter (Linas Kleiza) makes about $1,000,000. One of the points of the article is that the ones affected by the high CEO salary is the rest of the executive team. General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt is quoted in the article, “Should the CEO make five times, three times or twice what this group [Executive Team] makes? That’s debatable, but 20 times is lunacy.” Well the best team in the NBA has a gap of 55. Next time I will explore further the common assumption on high executive pay.
Sunday, April 13, 2008

My apologies for the month "sabbatical" from blogging. I want to write just a bit about my 2 1/2 year old son Paul (the picture is him about a year ago). At the end of February he had surgery to remove a swollen lymph node on his right jaw; about 10 days ago we finally got a diagnosis from that biopsy. The very good news is that Paul does not have any cancer. He has a a bacterial organism called MAC. This is a slow growing thing, thus the time from surgery to diagnosis. The bacterium is nearly ubiquitous in our environment -- dirt, dust, etc.--and most people are able to handle it. In a small number of cases an otherwise healthy child gets an infected lymph node from the bacterium. Although related in some way to the TB bacterium, MAC is not contagious in any way.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Addendum to Political Brands
Political candidates face similar crises -- and Barrack Obama is facing one now with the mainstream media showing inflammatory sermon clips of his pastor. While there are political arguments pro and con, I am interested in how the crisis is managed by the campaign. In this case, I would think Obama must confront the issue quickly and head-on for two reasons: 1) the image of the pastor compromises the brand image Obama has worked so hard to create and 2) left to fester this could mitigate his effort to become candidate with mass appeal (national candidates cannot be niche players that appeal to only one market or demographic).
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Managing Campaigns

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Learning How to Manage
One of the reasons people like me get into education is the high of seeing people learn. Often the aha occurs after the course. Yesterday I talked to a "former" student from an executive development course I helped facilitate in January. This person could hardly hide his excitement at the success he was having as a manager (more accurately the success his department was having). Put simply his department was now delivering more effectively as measured by customer surveys and new projects were being diverted to his department because of their success.
And how was he doing it? By him doing less. Now he was empowering his subordinates to do the work by giving them focus and direction. He was using the tools he learned in the January course. Importantly, he was now feeling like he was helping develop his people rather than fearing he might get them fired.
I find this type of aha -- learning to manage -- quite fascinating. That's why I work with people interested in the challenge of managing.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Now another business application in the political discourse and practice is positioning. Candidates like products do not exist in a vacuum and thus do not have absolute characteristics. Instead they are judged against other products. Candidates try to gain and hold a position in the minds of voters that will be winning. In the Republican race we saw a lot of positioning.
First, Mitt Romney spent millions to position himself as a traditional, Reagan Republican. This was a bit of challenge given that Romney record as governor of Massachussets was not purely conservative. Still, he chose this strategy wisely given that his strongest competitors in early 2007 were Rudy Guliani and John McCain--both not easily associated with conservative. Romney wanted to be a first mover into a position that was not only apprently vacant but often a winning one for republican voters. (Fred Thompson came in late to the race in part because he felt that a true conservative was missing in the race.)
On the Democratic side, Barrack Obama has been pretty successful in postioning himself as a candidate of change. This has been a consistent message to the point that he owns this position in the minds of voters (not just Democrats). Hillary Clinton has been less (but somewhat) successful in establishing the "experience" position. To the degree that she has been successful with this position it appears to be less appealing to the change message. Plus, she has tended to push this position less as consistent strategy than as reactive tactical plays to Obama.
Of course, positions are often only as good as the candidates (just the same as a product). Obama could be expert at establishing his postion but I doubt he could overcome as well a branded and financed candidate as Clinton unless he was also a very good candidate. I suspect that had Romney been as good (captivating a speaker) he could have won the Republican side (or to say another way--if he had been really Reaganesque he could have prevailed over McCain). But it still is important to be well postioned. Mike Huckabee is a great candidate like Obama, but he is not nearly as well positioned, as Huckabee is branded in a relatively small niche of evangelical voters.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Brands III

John McCain will have same challenges. He has made his brand on being a Maverick and straight talker. This brand causes him problems with many of the people in his own party. In today’s New York Times, an article attacks McCain’s brand image by “reporting” on some potential relationships with lobbyists. McCain has come out strong to discredit these charges – even as he must work to expand the value proposition to a mass audience, he must also protect his brand.
Obama now seems to have an advantage in the branding race. Starting with the significant disadvantage of all new entrants—lack of name recognition, he has been able to leverage the one advantage the new entrant has: no already established brand expectations. He has been able to create his own brand identity from scratch and he smartly has done it by appealing to a broad consumer base. In politics there are many niche players; previously African American candidates tended to appeal to minority audiences. Obama has made a distinct effort to not do that. He has built a brand that speaks broadly and has mass appeal. It will be interesting to see if there is enough substance behind the image to hold through November.
In both business and politics a brand image is necessary but not sufficient. That is, people must know who you are and have expectations of what you will deliver (quality, price, luxury, etc.). But it has to be delivered as well, or the company, product, or candidate will be no more than a fad or flash in the pan.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Brands Continued
So what has happened to the republican brand since 1994? It has continually lost value to the point that the republicans lost their market share lead in the 2006 congressional elections. While taxes are still an issue in that people like to pay less, they are less of one as other issues like health care and the environment crowd them out (and some believe that we may have reached equilibrium on taxes).
Brands can get tired if the value proposition no longer holds or there is brand confusion. As much as the value proposition of cutting taxes got old and tired (see this recent article on taxes and the brand), the brand dilution was cemented by the product not living up to its acclaimed values. Many republican party consumers did not see the party living up to its value of limited government—in fact, the party is now viewed as being as eager to spend as its opponents. This recent article illustrates this. While reputation can carry a brand for some time, once the brand value is lost it is hard to get back. For example, some companies like Sprint have suffered recently from poor customer service—it will take great effort to turn this around.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Since our first president and political parties emerged, these parties have taken on brand identities. These identities are closely related to positioning—something I will discuss separately—but it is important to know that brands have value. Consider

In the case of the political parties they already have known brands (have name recognition). They must, however, work to develop perceived value or offer a value proposition that attracts a broad coalition of voters. The Republican Party over the last 50 years is a good example. In the early 1960s republicans were mostly indistinguishable to the Democratic Party. This is a bad place to be if you are clearly in a market share deficit as they were at that time (they were K-Mart to the Democrats Wal-Mart).
Today, many pundits refer to the Reagan revolution that was started by Goldwater in 1964 and continued in 1980 with Reagan’s election and then culminated in 1994 under Gingrich. Reagan helped create a new coalition of fiscal conservatives (sometimes called blue dog democrats), social conservatives, and libertarians and created a new brand that effectively differentiated the parties. The value proposition of the new Republican Party was limited government, strong defense to defeat communism, and tax cuts. This vaulted the part from a decidedly minority party to a majority party by 1994. Over this period republicans worked diligently to create a specific brand image. So what has happened since?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Business of Politics
Well, politics borrows some of its terms from business (or vice versa). I will use this space to talk about two particular ones that critically important to both companies that conduct businesses and political campaigns.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
One Young Soldier

Earlier this week, one of our long-time adjunct professors in the Helzberg School, Gary DeRigne, had a book signing for his first novel, One Young Soldier. Gary says that it is mosly a memoir of his experience serving in Vietnam. I was happy to receive a copy and happier still to have my proceeds for the book be designated to the Wounded Warriers charity. I guess it was appropriate that Gary who teaches corporate social responsbility for Rockhurst would think of such gesture.
One of the strengths of Rockhurst, especially in the Helzberg School, has long been its adjunct factuly. Gary is an IT professional in our community who not only uses his non-work time to write books, but teaches courses for Rockhurst. Adjuncts are a strength because they are real business professionals who can bring that practicing expertise into the classroom. Ironically, in working with adjuncts for over a decade I have found they are most interested in their role as teacher and anxious to learn how to be a
Another thing I have learned from adjucts is that they get immense satisfaction in the classroom. In fact, some of our fulltime faculty started out as adjuncts. When I asked Gary how he likes writing, he said he likes it enough he wants to do more of it--seems this can get in your blood, too. Best of luck Gary with your next book.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Learning by Experience
Fortunately, there are lots of opportunities here at Rockhurst in the Helzberg School for hands-on learning that isn’t simply listening to the instructor or doing exercises out of the textbook. First, I have a colleague this semester using creative simulation for the senior capstone. It is not a computer simulation, but an activity that stretches students to develop strategies, work in teams, and present interpretations.
In fact, in the School of Management some other courses typically use simulations that force students act the role of managers—in, for example, the Introduction to Business and Marketing Policy courses.
Students who take Personal Selling don’t spend all semester just talking about selling concepts, but are required to actually sell in a simulated role play. Usually, they must sell to faculty who play the buyer—a tough buyer at that. Such "labratory" activities allow for self reflection and self assessment.
Finally, several of our faculty make use of projects that require students to interact with real people. Importantly, many of these projects are leveraged to help not-for-profit and community concerns. Right now our Executive Fellows students are working with Operation Breakthrough, providing critical services in marketing, IT and other functions. Importantly, the University supports such efforts with our Center for Service Learning.
And these experiential activities are quire Jesuit and consistent with the notion of education of the whole person. That is, it is not only what you know but what you value (place importance on) and believe (how you relate to things) that makes learning whole . . . best done through experiential activity.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The New Year
And most of our faculty teach in more than one program. Some of those instructors you have for an undergraduate class likely also teach in one of these graduate programs, giving them access to not only students with different experiences but to companies in this regional area. This diversity of experience is good for our students, but is just as good for our faculty. This semester I will teach a clas of mostly freshmen (and Intro to Business course) and a course of mostly graduating MBA students taking thier final class. I look forward to getting started for good -- today.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Dish
The story, briefly, shows a small group of men who operate the world’s largest satellite dish in a rural, Australian town. The plot is quite simple, covering the 3-4 days from launch of Apollo 11 to the moon landing on July 20, 1969. This small group of men are put in the “spotlight” because NASA will rely on them for television transmission of the men walking on the moon. For this event, NASA has sent the 3-man operation a NASA representative to work with them to make sure of coordination. The film’s director did a fabulous job of making this rather mundane plot a funny story, while still giving us insight into people through the characters.
The interesting part for me was the organization of the group, which was impacted by the addition of the person from NASA. This created conflict and in the case of one of the members an improper belief. He saw the NASA person usurping their authority and “taking over” their work. How the director of the Dish facility (played by Sam Neill) handled this conflict and intervened was quite exemplary.
Now I need to watch the movie several m

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A New Year
I thought "Wow, what a neat idea!" I thought I would do a reading list as well and quickly realized a couple of things. First, making a list takes time -- I was up late until 2 a.m. the other night working on a list and got to about 18 books. It reminded me of my brother several years ago coming up with his top 300 movies, ranked in oder. I tried it and simply coming up with 300 movies was nearly impossible, let alone ranking them. Second, I realized 100 books is a book every 3-4 days -- impossible.
Oh, to be young and able to dream big things. Her list (at 94 books a few days ago) includes some of my favorites like Brave new World and Apollo 13. It also includes a lot of Shakespeare and literature that we often would not read on a whim. The beauty of this exercise is that she picks her own list based on interests and needs. I believe people know what they need to learn more than anyone else.

So I have decided to make my own list with--with my own rules. I have mostly non-fiction and am looking at 25 books. Some are books I would have read anyway (business books), but most are ones I would like to read but never have time to. Also, I am picking representative ones from all decades starting in the 1920s. I am still looking for one in the 1980s. I still have a few to add -- I will leave this open as new leads come available.
Time to get reading. My daughter told me this morning she has already started her first book, Ella Minnow Pea, -- promptly at midnight.