Monday, July 28, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the . . .

The last three days might be a microcosm for my immediate future. Saturday was the good. As much as students feel relief and satisfaction of finishing that last semester paper, faculty feel the same when they complete grading the last paper. Friday and Saturday I "crammed" to finish grading papers for my two summer courses. And the nice thing was that I learned some interesting things in many of these papers on topics related to corporate responsiblity and strategy. Now onto other projects.

Sunday was also okay, but nonetheless different as my oldest daughter and I attended a reception for new Freshman here at Rockhurst. Yes, my oldest is now off to college, a rite of passage I guess. Being a college professor I should be rejoicing in such rite and I am. Still, life will be different as she shifts more time to things outside of our home. Perhaps, I am just being selfish -- she will have less time to assist me in things like shopping at the grocery store and mowing the lawn for me. Fortunately, however, I will know where to find her!

Tonight, well it was the . . . eerie. My wife and I attended a get aquainted session for parents of new students to the private school my youngest daughter will be attending. Nearly 20 years of marriage and 4 kids, I have managed to avoid all such things as parent-teacher meetings, school get to know your child sessions, etc. (more on why I have avoided them later). That is, except when I was teaching sixth grade in the early 1990s. The people at the school were very nice and we are "cautiously optimistic" that this will work well for our daughter. Still, this is a new era for our family, not quite an empty nest, but different just same.

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