Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I have not watched a lot of college basketball this year (and I did not do any March Madness bracket), but did take in the two games this past weekend for K-State and Baylor. College students more and more get involved in team projects or are part of teams in other sports -- and sometimes rue having to try and manage the difficult team dynamics or uneven individual efforts. Yet, these games show how potent good teams are.

In both games where a spot in the final four was on the line, K-State and Baylor fell short because they played better teams. In both cases the Big 12 teams had equal if not superior talent but their play often turned too individualistic where one player tried to do it himself (it may have also been due to an offensive strategy that limited other options). The winning teams also had "stars" but they didn't try to take over on their own -- which means they didn't take as many bad shots.

Too bad for the Big 12 -- they had great opportunities to get into the final four. Hats off, however, to teamwork.

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