Saturday, October 10, 2009

Leading like a Goose

I have the great pleasure of working Saturdays for our Executive MBA program -- okay it is not that great working on Saturday! Still, the students in the program are excellent and committed to learning business acumen and learning how to be better leaders. For the 2011 cohort, Father Curran introduced the students to notion of leadership. And he brought a prop -- the centerpiece on the game board pictured here.

Two interesting points about the Goose. First, it is a great leadership analog as the goose represents a leadership model not often followed. You see when geese fly -- their major work activity -- they do so in V formation AND they share the lead. Thus, the burden of leadership does not fall just on one goose (unlike say the head buffalo who determines whether the herd moves or does not). The formation (think system) also allows for maximum efficiency.

Second, this goose has a special Jesuit heritage as you might notice the collar. Thus, one more significant link of Rockhurst and leadership.

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